Friday 3 May 2013


Do you have any siblings? I do. When I started to think about any children I knew that my child is not going to be alone...

I want him to feel every colour of having the siblings. A bit of jealousy, but mainly happiness with sharing any important life events, those good as a bad ones... 
And a huge support of each other.

I have to say, that having more than one child is not like a heaven.
To be honest, its double job.
You have to feed and dress up two...And divide your attention fairly for two.
Its not easy. Specially, when you want to talk with your husband or a friend and they both asking about something Very important in the same time. No, they not just asking, they shouting - and you have to react straight away:-)
But when they just sleeping in their beds with a little, sweet smile...
Or they playing together and loughing at loud from something known just for themselves ...
Or sharing the feeling - when Franek cries, Janek is starting to cry in a minute!
And this is just the beginning of their life way.
They just starting to have secrets and routines.
I hope they will keep supporting each other for a life long.

I know. It is hard to make a decision about having another baby. We wish to give all the best for our little first one. When the second comes, they have to share everything. But this is very important social skill and other pros are above a cons.
Sometimes when having a child, we are postponing the decision about having another one, but believe me, if you are waiting longer, its harder to make it happen. And sometimes you can not any more.

When comes to the end of the day - I am tired and still have no time to call or email to my friends, but than I am trying to remember that those days will never come back - so draw them with full hands.

Jacket and trousers - Next
Top - RLR (Little Rocha)
Shoes - Camper

Coat - Zara
Jeans - Next
Shoes - Start-rite

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