Saturday, 12 October 2013


I have a feeling like year speeds up.
It's nearly half of October, than Halloween, Christmas and End of Year...
When the weather was so great, I wasn't thinking about Halloween costumes or Christmas Gifts.
And suddenly, after few quiet weeks, it started to be busy at work, and millions of things to do at home.
Wow. I haven't took all my holiday this year yet!
I sit a whole day at work, so when my boys stay with the nanny or my hubbie I let them wear as much comfortable as I can. I can't think about their style too much, but always look for best quality and a hint of colour:-)
As you maybe could see at one of the pictures, Janek still has to wear an eyepatch. 
We had a short break on holiday. Janek was doing perfect on the control visit in July. When we came back at the end of August, he had very bad day on his eye exam and we came back to eyepatch.
And I can't believe, that it is already two months since we've been there. We're going for the next check-up on Monday. Janek was perfect wearing his patch and glasses, so I hope he made some progress.
Fingers crossed.

Hat - Polarn O'Pyret
Jacket - Polo
Trousers - GAP
Shoes - Adidas

Hat - Polarn O'Pyret
Scarf - Zara
Jacket - Benetton
Trousers - American Marines
Shoes - Adidas

Bike - Imaginarium
Balance Bike - available in Smyths Toys stores

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